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Real Player SP Plus Build

RealPlayer is a versatile player who, although initially thought to play audio and video (streaming) over time has evolved into a multi-track player. You can open WAV, MP3, AVI, DVD, 3GP, WMV ... the list is endless, and of course also includes the formats of the house: RealAudio, RealVideo, and RealPix RealText. It has a comprehensive multimedia library where you can manage both our MP3 collections, such as Internet radio stations favorites, or CD. Supports synchronization with portable players like iPods from the same, besides having a built-in CD burner. As for his appearance has not changed much from previous versions, although it is not surprising because it is very clear and clean, and once you pass the "compact mode" can be used in a similar way as we would with another style Winamp .

SP RealPlayer, get news and improvements:

RealPlayer RealPlayer H.264.El new H.264 Converter to easily convert video files to the new digital video standard for electronic equipment and PC. Advanced video can resize and correct the aspect ratio of the screen with one click. It is also very easy to adjust the brightness and tone with advanced tools. Recording DVDRealPlayer SP Plus offers 120 minutes of DVD recording and can record with great ease.


Software | Added by: Saifu | Tags: player, rapidshare, Mediafire, Free Download, Hotfile, Real | Rating: 5.0 | 1
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