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Barcode Maker 5.50

Barcode Maker is used by thousands of companies around the world every day and more and more companies get their copy of Barcode Maker so that they also will be able to make barcodes the easy way.

Barcode Maker has a list where you will be able to add your products, so that you only have to fill in the product information once and then you will be able to just click on the product and the barcode will be made.
Each list can contain no less that 32,000 products, but you will be able to have more than one list as they can be saved individually and you will be able to merge one or more lists as long as the total number of products in the merged list isn't more than 32,000

If you already have a list of products and want to load it into Barcode Maker you will be able to do so by converting it into the *.BK2 file format used by Barcode Maker. In the setup of Barcode Maker a "How to..." file is included that shows how to convert a *.XLS (MS Excel) file to a *.TXT file in the *.BK2 file format and how to load it. Almost any file type could be converted to work with Barcode Maker.


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Software | Added by: Saifu | Tags: BARCODE, Mediafire, rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfile | Rating: 0.0 | 0
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